Two Penn State Smeal College of Business students and a student from Penn State Berks collaborated to win the 2023 Business with Integrity Case Competition.
Seven Penn State campuses have created the Commonwealth Arboreta Network, a network that will inventory trees and plant life while sharing research and teaching resources, with the eventual goal of creating an arboretum at each of the University's 24 campuses.
Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) has introduced the inaugural Teaching and Learning Technologies Faculty Advisory Committee for the 2023-24 academic year. The committee will play a pivotal role in guiding TLT and University IT in integrating technology into teaching and learning practices at Penn State.
At an event held on Oct. 31, leaders from the Student Philanthropy Network announced that the class of 2024 has voted to create the University Park Undergraduate Association Basic Needs Endowment as their class gift. The fund will provide sustained support for students facing hardships in pursuit of their degree.
The University Libraries, as part of the LibWell initiative, is currently piloting three sensory rooms, located within Penn State Berks’ Thun Library, Penn State Brandywine’s Vairo Library, and in Pattee Library on the University Park campus, to assist students with sensory impairments and neurodiversity.
A new book edited by two Penn State librarians, Sarah Hartman-Caverly and Alexandria Chisholm, collects practical ways for academic librarians to incorporate privacy literacy into their instruction and practice.
A team of Penn State researchers recently held a workshop in Ghana on how gender affects dynamics within the agriculture industry. The trip capped a multi-year effort to better understand time poverty among women peanut farmers.
With COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations on the rise in Pennsylvania and across the nation, Penn State is urging its community to continue to take health precautions and follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to keep themselves and others healthy.